Alright, haven't done one of these in a while, mostly due to lack of feedback plus like many people, haven't had much to care about.
However, just out of the sake of trying to maintain some interest
General stuff:
Bruce Wayne back by June 2010: 80%
"Blackest Night" ends with many miraclous ressurrections, in effect completely undoing everything from "Identity Crisis" and on - 75%
Hal Jordan as White Lantern - 99%
Sinestro as White Lantern - 65%
New Krypton destroyed by Dec 2010 - 95% - They can't get much more mileage out of this one, but on the other hand, it has been an interesting way to turn things on their head, and will (hopefully) lead to a stronger appreciation of Superman.
OMD/BND reversal by Dec 2010: 50% - Joey Q's Marvel will need its back broken for this to happen, but events are conspiring that might just do the trick, especially because Spidey sales are at the point where they have to pull a Jeph-Loeb style year long "Greatest Hits" ala "Hush" to keep things rolling
Corporate Stuff:
Disney completes the buyout of Marvel - 85%
Disney restructures the comics side of Marvel - 30% - only if they have a shitload of valid reasoning to.
DC restructuring leads to Wildstorm reverting back to an Image imprint after years of DC abuse - 20%. It could happen, but not too likely.
Diamond Distributing bites the dust in the next 18 months - 65%- with their minimum orders up, and corporate restructuring to take Corp super comics out of the comic medium, this will continue to be the biggest story of the decade - we haven't even begun to see the full ramifications.
Internet based comics develop a fully successful business model that sees them take off as a viable commercial enterprise. - 80%. It will happen sooner or later, and I'm betting on sooner.
Marvel and DC restructuring results in loss of no less than 20% of their current output - 95% - particularly any extraneous "Avenger", "X-Men", "Batman", or "Justice League" titles (Say good-bye to the Initiative now).
Prediction for 2010: No less than 5 marquee corporate comic 'creators' leave the comic medium altogether to focus on film/TV projects - 90% - and I'm going to call them all - Mark Millar, Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, Brian K. Vaughn, and Warren Ellis.
OK, moving into specific pools over a few Marvel "events"
Given that "The Siege" is happening, we are going to find out Norman's "Secret weapon". It will be:
The Sentry/Void - 50% - because Bendis is nothing if not predictable.
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch - 15% - plausible
Marvelman/Miracleman - 10% - Never discount the Corporate comics' giants ability to piss on creators.
Surtur - 10%. Remember how JMS left Thor because he said he didn't want to have Thor at the center of the next big Marvel Event? Surtur would also be one of the few threats that might give Doom pause, and that goes double for Loki.
A captured Odin - 5%. See Surtur
(note: I'd include the Destroyer here, but I seem to recall it was used already in JMS's Thor run - uh, correct me? Confirm?)
Other - 10%. Ultron? The Blue Marvel? A herald of Galactus? Forbush man? Pick your own.
Now, onto currently one of the few Marvel Series I can be bothered to care about - Guardians of The Galaxy
OK, it is now painfully obvious from the most recent issue (due to the appearance of a certain sword-weilder) that not only have DnA read the original Valentino run, they actually read his online forum discussion for the stuff he abandoned when he left for Image. That's a bit of a game changer in that it means nothing can be taken precisely for granted anymore.
And fuck, that's the chosen one? yeah, I see a big punchline/twist coming there, but I'll save that for if I hear some feedback.
In the meantime, we've got the fault and access to a parrallel reality (judging by the new doppel-avengers on the cover of "Realm of the Kings"), so we now have to expand our pools
Phylla-Vell - 40%. Slightly more sticking power, as there's now a whole reality and the possiblity of parallel replacement.
Gammora - 75% - her odds go up a little more drastically here, as a parallel replacement would create more drama.
Moondragon - 10%
Rocket Raccoon - 1%
Drax the Destroyer - 1% - he still has a storyline, so don't bet on it.
Groot - 5%. Might get a body smashed, but he has buds to grow back from.
Vance Astro - 30%. Again, I have a theory here....
Cosmo - 1%
Mantis - 20%. Because Precogs are dangerous.
Starlord - 50%. His current predicament is rough, plus he has understudies, but hey, that's the stuff heroes are made of. But is Peter Quill a hero? That's the big question.
Bug - 80%. Because there's already plenty of comic relief.
Jack Flag - 5%. His current predicament is also interesting...
Ressurrections/Parallel replacements:
Thanos - 100% - with a 50/50 split between "resurrection" or "replacement from the alternate timeline"
Mar-Vell - 20% - only chance is via replacement
Adam Warlock - 30% - replacement
Genis-Vell - 25% - OK, I only put this here for me, because I liked the character, ok? Yeesh.